All ideas could be discussed. This is what God allowed when He said the Almighty in (Quran verses 2: 23) “And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then teach a surah of the same kind and call on your witnesses besides Allah, if you are truthful!” In (Quran verses 21: 108) “We have sent you a book in which he mentioned you: Would you not argue?” So it is necessary to treat the book of God with the mind

Nature does not know Solar calendar or Lunar calendar but only LuniSolar calendar.

Usually you need a few words like “S.O.S” or “Mayday” to indicate an emergency or something important. And that has to be considered with the highest priority.

In (Quran verse 55:5): “The sun and the moon by calculation”. In the language of Quran “arabic” are only three WORDS. “SUN”, “MOON”, “CALCULATION”. The only meaning of this words is a “calendar” taking both Sun and Moon in consideration. Which is the “Luni Solar Calendar”.

This means that if we do not react correctly with these words, the results are uncomfortable for us and our environment.

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